Long Weekend Bootcamps

There will be changes for times and days for bootcamps due to the long weekend. After AUG 9 any classes with vouchers are expired. I will let everyone know if the classes will continue twice a week as soon as I know!

Today’s class is moved to TOMORROW:

Thurs, July 31: 6:30pm
Sat, Aug 2: 9:00am
Tues, Aug 5: 6:30pm
Wed, Aug 6: 6:30pm
Last class Sat Aug 9: 10am

Note there are no more 7:30pm slots

Nutrition Seminar Coming to Alterego Bootcamp


As promised, I have invited a nutrition specialist to do a seminar with everyone from Alterego Bootcamp! I highly recommend you book off an hour after the Wednesday and Saturday classes of NEXT week as this is probably when the seminar will be. 

For this to take place we will need a minimum of 10 people interested, and the fee for this hour long seminar will be $7.50 per person. To make this even better, I ask that if you do plan to come, you e-mail me or post a question you would like the guest nutritionist to answer for you.

Below please post:

1- “YES” for confirming attendance and payment of $7.50
2 – Whether you want the seminar to be Wednesday ( Class will be moved to 7:00pm and Seminar start time will be 8:00pm) OR Saturday after the class (10am class, 11am seminar)
3 – A question you would like answered on this day regarding nutrition 


Ana Vera


More News!!

Hello Everyone!

I trust that you all have been keeping up with the stretching and eating clean! Hope some of you have tried Sherrie’s recipe! We will have more coming soon!

Just a few announcements:
– Reminder this Saturday’s class will be cancelled as I will be away all weekend and could not get Kirshan to cover the class.

-Monday’s class will be our usual time (7:30pm), with a twist. We will be changing it up and challenging ourselves even more! Prizes will be given out, so make sure not to miss out on this class!

-Thursday, July 24 at 7:30pm make sure you have nothing on your schedule! We will be having an Alterego dinner night!!! This is going to be tons of fun! I have not decided on a place, so please if you have any ideas of where we should go let me know! We will stay relatively local. For this event like all others, feel free to bring family and friends! I will need your confirmation by Friday, July 18, so I can make reservations.

Any questions or comments please feel free to comment below, call, text, e-mail, you know the drill!

– Ana

Nutritious Meal by Our Alterego Hero Sherrie Lohnes


Spagetti squash and meat sauce.

You will need:
1 spagetti squash
ground meat (beef, chicken, turkey…whatever you like)
tomato sauce ( I use homemade sauce)
olive oil
How to make
Cut spagetti squash in half (I find it easier to cut if you microwave it for a couple of minutes) and place on baking sheet-face down. bake for 30 minutes). Sauté olive oil, onion and garlic until onion is translucent. Add ground meat and brown. Add tomato sauce and spices..let it simmer. When squash is done, use a fork (careful, the squash will be hot, I wear my rubber cooking gloves for this part) and scrape out the insides of the squash, it will come out very easily. Mix with sauce….and enjoy!


Frozen Banana with whipped coconut milk

You will need:
2 bananas
1 can of coconut milk
vanilla extract

Blend banana with a little water and freeze. Place can of coconut milk in the fridge for a few hours, this will thicken the coconut milk. Scoop frozen banana in a bowl, top with a scoop of whipped coconut milk, cinnamon and a little vanilla extract.


Let us know what you think! Send us your meal pictures!


Time Change for Bootcamp


Starting today the classes for Monday and Wednesday will be moved to 7:30PM due to the heat. It is only an hour difference but I am hoping that it is enough for the evening to get a little bit cooler. Lately it had been too hot and humid to be working out as hard as we want to. Please send me a message or call me if you have any problems with the changes of time!




Alterego Ladies taking over Hot Yoga Wellness

Hello Ladies!!

Okay so I don’t know why this weather decided to be so awful this week! I don’t want to take ANY chances of it raining and having to cancel our workout today so this is the plan!

Bootcamp at the school will be cancelled!

However, we will be doing a HOT YOGA class at Hot Yoga Wellness Mississauga, class starts at 7:00 pm, we will meet there at around 6:30pm. This class will be FREE for you and anyone you want to bring today.


Address: 626 Burnhamthorpe Rd West. Unit 202 (upper level)

Please contact me if you have any questions! 416-666-9213

So Excited! See you all this evening!

click here for more info

Boot Camps 2014!!!

Hello Ladies!!

A few announcements!

1: Saturday, June 7th Class is moved to 10:30AM as mentioned earlier this week.

2: Next Wednesday we take on SkyZone in Mississauga (3636 Hawkstone Rd.). The rate will be $9.00 for 30 minute jump. This rate is NOT a group rate and we cannot book the trampoline. What I was thinking is as follows:
– Get there for roughly 6:30pm to pay (we will all make our payments individually as it is not package rate), sign forms, get ourselves prepped and loaded for the jump.
-Everyone be ready to start jump for 7pm lasting until 7:30pm

3: I will keep everyone posted on our supplement DEMO day!

Click here for more info on SKYZONE

Check out our new website!

AFTER 1234567 DAYS OF PROCRASTINATION ON THIS PROJECT OF MINE, RICHARD CAICEDO, THE GREATEST GRAPHICS DESIGNER AND MYSELF HAVE FINALLY LAUNCHED THE NEW AND VERY ALTEREGO WEBSITE! Hope you guys can take a minute and check it out. Thank you everyone for the ongoing support, and HELLO to the 2014 summer boot camp season! Purchase your unlimited month pass today! http://www.alterego.co

2014 Boot camp!!

Hello Everyone!

We are very excited to announce out first boot camp sessions of 2014!

The first session will be a free demo for anyone who wishes to try it out, first time boot campers only! If you have discount coupons this will not apply!

May 26- June 21
Monday 6:30pm
Wednesday 6:30pm
Saturday 10:00am

Location: St. Francis Xavier S.S.
What to bring: yoga mat, bottle of water, pair of dumbbells

Questions: ana@alterego.co

Pre- Workout Meals

I always ask my clients what they had to eat before they came to work out. Nutrition is a huge part of training, whether you are looking to cut fat, gain mass, or build your endurance.




Carbohydrates are not only essential for the function of the brain and nervous system, but they are also the preferred energy source for working muscles. To get the most out of your boot camp sessions, it is important to come fueled (with a good meal) to the session. This meal should include complex carbs to increase blood sugar levels and to ensure that your glycogen stores are full prior to training time. Consuming your pre- workout meal one hour before is ideal, so you don’t feel it coming up half way through your sprints. 25-40 grams will benefit most individuals.


Protein is by far my favourite macronutrient to consume. Why? Well, protein’s role in our system is to build and repair body tissues like our MUSCLES. Research has indicated that those who consume protein before a work out have better results in terms of increased muscle mass due to it’s anti-catabolic effects. Not only can protein help us attain those toned arms and legs we have always wanted, but it will also provide a slight thermogenic effect in the body to help us burn even more calories through our work out! 15-30 grams will benefit most individuals.